Nearing the Month’s End

Tomorrow is the last day of the month!

I’m checking in with my goals.  I didn’t get everything done, but I made some progress, and did complete others!  Woohoo!

Let’s take a look:

Goals for March:

1. I have increased my running from 3 miles to 5 miles by March 31st, 2011 (last night I hit 3.5 miles!) – Done!  Ran 5 miles on the 20th!

2. I attended 7 yoga classes by Mach 30th, 2011 – Made it to 6… not too bad!

3. I have my letters written by March 26th, 2011- eh, 1 out of three!  And the second one is in progress!

4. I walk with my man once a week, for a total of 5 times – at least once at a new park – by the end of March!  (Already did one at the gym track!) – Nope, couldn’t get the man out much.  Between his sleep issues, and our busy schedules, I sadly didn’t make time for this L

5. I spend quiet time alone before work19 times by the end of March!  (3 down, 16 to go!  What a way to center before a day of chaos at the office) – 11 out of 19… and I can tell that I haven’t done it this week or last.  I feel much less centered.  So this challenge will repeat in April!

Added goals:
1. I will be 100% vegan, 80% raw for the next 40 days – I am coming through day 5 with ease!  I enjoyed a green smoothie for breakfast, a big salad with walnuts and raisins for lunch, and will have some Paneer for dinner!  And maybe follow that up with banana-berry “ice kreme” for dessert!

2. I will post daily what foods I enjoy, even though some days will be repetitive – this will help keep me accountable – I think I’ve been here most days…

3. I will collect all my goals, summarize them here, and GET THEM POSTED WHERE I CAN SEE THEM EVERY MORNING AND THROUGHOUT THE DAY! – um… well, I have the 40 Day Vegan challenge on my white board!  And each morning I update the Day I’m on!  Tonight I can change that from a 4 to a 5 to say I made it through day 5!

The one big thing I wanted to do this month and haven’t – the one big goal I’m disapppointed I didn’t complete – is sitting down for some serious self-reflection and future planning.  I feel like there are so many directions my life could go if I just took the first step.  But because I’ve been afraid to take a step in a “wrong” direction, I haven’t stepped at all.  I have a fear to commit to one path, for fear I will yearn for a different path once I’ve begun walking away from it.  But the truth is, the path I’m on now is not ANY of the paths I want to choose!  So I need to make a choice, pick a path, and take the steps on that Living Journey.

This month has been a wonderful one, meeting new people, challenging myself to new things, stretching (literally!) in new directions, and feeling more alive because of it all!  And for that, I am grateful and excited about starting this blog.  It is doing what I need it to.

I love hitting these “small” goals – and I hope that gives me the boost to begin setting even bigger goals.  As I keep saying, I need to live – DON’T SETTLE!

The rung of a ladder was never meant to rest upon, but only to hold a man’s foot long enough to enable him to put the other somewhat higher.  ~Thomas Henry Huxley, Life and Letters of Thomas Huxley

So I need to take those steps.  My place right now definitely has felt like a stepping stone – like there is more out there for me and my husband to do.  I just need to open myself up to it, and see where we can go!

If you want to make your dreams come true, the first thing you have to do is wake up.  ~J.M. Power

By findingsilverlinings Posted in Goal!

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